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An impact initiative by Educated

The current education program and system do not sufficiently equip children and youth with the practical skills and creative thinking necessary to grow into valuable human resources and active citizens for the future. This is reflected in Mongolia’s youth unemployment rate of 17%, which is higher than the global average. Studies by international organizations such as the OECD and WEF indicate that Mongolia lacks the skills needed for the labor market and the capacity for innovation on a national scale.

In Mongolia, although students gain theoretical knowledge, they often lack essential skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking. This skills gap leaves them underprepared for the rapidly evolving labor market, hindering their ability to contribute to sustainable economic and social growth.

The skills gap is not merely an individual issue; it impacts organizations, industries, and ultimately the nation’s development. For instance, as of 2021, the average productivity contribution per employed person to GDP in Mongolia is $9,000 annually, compared to $85,000 for someone in Singapore. A primary factor driving this productivity difference is the foundational education curriculum and methodology.

Therefore, our “Educational Initiatives” NGO, or EDUCATED team, is adapting and developing the ENTERPRISE PROGRAM in Mongolia. This program, which is based on internationally recognized, project-based, skills development methodologies, aligns with future development trends and meets the demands of the labor market. For more details about the program, CLICK HERE.

Video comments

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Баянхонгор аймгийн Бууцагаан сумын ЕБС-ийн 10A ангийн суралцагч Т.Нарангэрэл маань хөтөлбөрт оролцсон үр дүн, сэтгэгдлээсээ хуваалцлаа.

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Баянхонгор аймгийн Бууцагаан сумын ЕБС-ийн сурагч Пүрэвбат маань хөтөлбөрт оролцсон үр дүн, сэтгэгдлээсээ хаалтын үйл ажиллагааны үеэр хуваалцлаа.

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ЭНТЕРПРАЙЗ 30 хөтөлбөр: Баянхонгор аймгийн Бууцагаан сумын ЕБС-ийн сурагч Ууганцэцэг маань хөтөлбөрт оролцсон үр дүн, сэтгэгдлээсээ хуваалцлаа.

In order to support young people in remote soums and districts who are eager to develop themselves in areas with high demand but insufficient supply in the labor market, we are working towards expanding the “ENTERPRISE PROGRAM” to 30 locations by the end of 2025. We invite you to support this initiative and invest in the future of Mongolia, as an individual and/or an organization!

Your team, organization, or company can fund and deliver the “ENTERPRISE PROGRAM” to targeted soums and districts as part of your corporate social responsibility. By doing so, you will not only support the development of the children participating in the program, but also guide and advise them on initiating their own social and environmental projects, thereby increasing your positive social impact.

Fundingand opportunity

A GRATITUDE POST featuring information about youyour organization on our social media pages.

A CERTIFICATE OF SUPPORT in both English and Mongolian, acknowledging your financial contribution to the program.

Impact reporting and/or results made to be included in your organization's SDG REPORT.

HIGHLIGHT VIDEO comments, video shoot

Supportand opportunity

Participate as a guest and share your experiences or conduct a short TRAINING session on a relevant topic during the program.

MENTOR project teams initiated by the youth within the program.

Collaborate on projects initiated by the children.

Participate as an honorable JUDGE at the closing event of the program.

No partner organizations available


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